
Items of news and information about upcoming events are posted here.

September 14th

Headingley Methodist Church

Notices for Sunday September 15th and Sunday September 22nd

Gracious God, guide of all who put their trust in you; grant us in all our doubts and uncertainties the grace to seek your will, that your Holy Spirit may save us from all false choices and that in your light we may see light; through Christ our Lord. Amen
William Bright (1824-1901)

Sunday September 15th 9.30 am Morning Worship Holy Communion Rev. Tim Nicholls

Tuesday September 17th 12noon Luncheon Club in the Small Hall
2.30 pm Bible Study on ”Exodus and Leviticus for Everyone“ by John Goldingay. If you would like to come to the group for the first time, please check with Guy that it will be on. All welcome

Thursday September 19th10.30 am Circuit Mid-Week Worship in the Parlour led by Deacon Guy Austin-Bride

Saturday September 21st 10 am to 12 noon Welcome Warm Space PAYF Saturday Coffee Morning. Homemade cakes, sausage rolls, cheese toasties and more!


Sunday September 22nd 9.30 am Morning Worship Mrs Janet Taylor

Tuesday 24th 12 noon Luncheon Club
                       2.30 pm Bible Study

Thursday 26th 10.30 am Circuit Mid-Week Worship led by Rev. Pete Brazier

Saturday September 27th Welcome Warm Space PAYF Coffee Morning

Dates for your diary

Saturday September 28th 2.30 pm A concert by the Wendel Singers with interval refreshments Any profits will be split between Headingley Methodist Church and our new church charity Wheatfields Tickets £10 at the door or from a steward in advance

Saturday November 30th 10am-12.30 our annual Christmas Fair. We will need the usual donations and offers of help please

Deacon Guy Austin-Bride

Rev. Mo Onyett

If you like anything on this newssheet, please contact John or Jane Luxton or email