A Message from the Minister

Rev. Jo Lightowler

Welcome to the Headingley Methodist Church website. We hope that you will find it both informative and helpful.

We offer you a very warm welcome to the Methodist Church in Headingley. The church has occupied a prominent site in the middle of Headingley since it was opened in 1845 and is now a building that has been listed for its historical significance.

As a church we are a group of Christians of all ages and backgrounds who meet regularly for worship and fellowship and try to live out our faith in our daily lives.

We are always keen to welcome new friends into the life of the church. If you do not already belong to a church fellowship we would like to invite you to join us at our services and other activities.

We believe in living out our faith by supporting and enabling the community in which we live. We seek to serve the community of Headingley in as many ways as possible so if there’s any way in which we can help, please contact us.

As a church we run a wide varied programme of services and activities for people of all ages. Some of our activities are aimed at particular age groups, most obviously the youth activities such as the uniformed organisations. Other activities like the Saturday coffee mornings provide opportunities for all ages to come together.

A number of different organisations and groups in the Headingley area use our halls for their meetings and functions.

You will always be very welcome at Headingley Methodist Church.

You can read a short biography of Rev. Jo Lightowler on the Leeds South and West Circuit website.